トップ > 水冷パーツ > 水冷ブロック > VGA用 > ブロック本体 > AMD RADEON > ACool Eisblock Aurora Acryl GPX-A Radeon RX 6800XT/6900XT Nitro+ with Backplate
Alphacool製 Sapphire Nitro+ Radeon RX 6800XT/6900XT 向けGPU用水冷ブロック 3pin 5V アドレッサブルRGB搭載 バックプレート付属 ※別売のRGBコントローラーが必要です ※対応ビデオカードの型番を必ずご確認下さい
Alphacool製 Sapphire Nitro+ Radeon RX 6800XT/6900XT 向けGPU用水冷ブロック 3pin 5V アドレッサブルRGB搭載
・RGBケーブルは、別売のRGBコントローラーに接続し、マザーボードには接続しないで下さい。故障の原因となります。(下図参照) ・RGB機能搭載の機器を組み込む際は、元電源をオンにした状態で組み込みますとLEDの損傷および故障の原因となります。 デバイスを組み込む前に必ず元電源をオフにしてから接続いただき、組み込み後、元電源をオンに切り替えください。 バックプレート付属 ※対応ビデオカードの型番を必ずご確認下さい 対応ビデオカード
- Sapphire Nitro+ Radeon RX 6800 XT SE, 16GB GDDR6, HDMI, 2x DP, USB-C (11304-01-20G) - Sapphire Nitro+ Radeon RX 6800 XT, 16GB GDDR6, HDMI, 3x DP (11304-02-20G) - Sapphire Nitro+ Radeon RX 6900 XT, 16GB GDDR6, HDMI, 3x DP (11308-01-20G)
対応ビデオカードはこちらのリストでご確認下さい。 List of compatibility ビデオカードの型番から検索する場合はこちら
Configurator for VGA cooler マニュアルダウンロード(PDF) データシートダウンロード(PDF) Product Information
The Alphacool Aurora Acryl GPX-A 6800XT/6900XT Eisblock combines style with performance and extensive digital RGB lighting. With experience of over 16 years, Alphacool the ability to create GPU blocks that represent high quality and fantastic performance. This perfectly describes the Aurora Acryl GPX Eisblock More Performance! During the development of the EIsblock Aurora GPX-A 6800XT/6900XT graphic card GPU block, we wanted to further increase the performance. The first step was to move the cooler closer to the individual components by reducing the thermal pads to a thickness of 1 mm. Next, we reduced the thickness of the nickel-plated copper block. Instead of 7 mm, it is now only 5.5 mm thick. The water flow inside the cooler has also been optimized. All important components such as the voltage transformers and the memory are now significantly better and more effectively cooled by the water. All this ensures a significant increase in cooling performance. New Design! The Eisblock Aurora GPX-A 6800XT/6900XT cooler has been designed so that lighting is more important than the previous models. The addressable digital RGB LEDs are embedded directly into the cooling block and run along the entire cooling block. The effect is an illumination of the entire cooling block. No corner or edge remains unlit by the aRGB LEDs. The new design is more angular with all edges bevelled. This promotes better light diffusion in the water cooler due to the reflections on these bevels. In addition, they create various contours, which give the Aurora GPX-A 6800XT/6900XT Eisblock cooler its very own unique identity. Copper or Aluminium? Of course, Alphacool only uses copper for its water coolers. With the Aurora GPX-A 6800XT/6900XT Eisblock, the copper is nickel-plated. Compared to its predecessor models, Alphacool has improved the nickel plating even further, which has considerably increased the acid resistance. This means that the nickel should resist flaking. Why does Alphacool rely on copper instead of aluminium? Simply, copper has almost twice the thermal conductivity of aluminium and is therefore clearly the better material for water cooling. Is There Anything Else New? The Eisblock Aurora GPX-A 6800XT/6900XT also relies on the new patented stop fittings, which sit flush with the surface of the terminal. The Alphacool logo now sits in the corner on the top and is also fully illuminated. On the front of the terminal you can see the corresponding names of the compatible graphic card types. Of course, these are also fully illuminated by the digital LEDs. IN and OUT are now marked by small triangles. They are easily recognizable and fit perfectly into the entire aesthetics of the graphic card water cooler. The Alphacool Aurora GPX-A 6800XT/6900XT Acryl is a complete redevelopment of the previous Alphacool graphics card water coolers. No technical compromises were made, but the entire technical know-how flowed into the development and implementation. Note: - This article is delivered with a backplate
Technical data: L x W x B: 142,5 x 260 x 24,5 mm Material cooler: Nickle plated copper Material top: Acryl Thickness cooling fins: 0,6 mm Threads: 4x G1/4“ Power connector Digital RGB: 3-Pin 5V (0,5A)
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