トップ > 水冷パーツ > クーラント > クーラント本体 > EK WaterBlocks EK-CryoFuel Mystic Fog (Premix 1000mL)
EK-CryoFuel Mystic Fog is a unique semi-transparent coolant based on a new formula with long-lasting stability and vivid addressable D-RGB reactivity. The coolant is specially developed to bring the best light dispersion capabilities within various PC liquid cooling products.
The coolant contains everything a high-end liquid cooling system requires for efficient thermal performance and providing the necessary protection for your water blocks.
With countless hours of in-house and third-party real-life scenario testing, EK-CryoFuel Mystic Fog is one of the most chemically stable coolants that provides enthusiasts with the best possible level of performance and thermal efficiency. The key feature of the new coolant formula is the perfect ratio of suspended particles versus the clear coolant basis which gives the coolant the unique ability to disperse light. This will provide the best possible foundation for vivid addressable D-RGB effects inside your liquid cooling system.
The coolant will not sediment after long hours of inactivity of the cooling loop. Designed specifically for computer liquid cooling systems, the EK-CryoFuel offers a 4-year shelf life from the date of bottling. For the best light dispersion effects of EK-CryoFuel Mystic Fog, it's recommended to replace the coolant every 6 months.
The EK-CryoFuel Mystic Fog is a complete premix that has the following key characteristics:
- contains corrosion and scale inhibitors - good heat transfer characteristics - color pigments don't leave residue - high specific heat - chemically stable - low viscosity - non-toxic
All EK-CryoFuel mixtures are biodegradable (90% in a period of 10 days) and will not remain in the environment or bioaccumulate.
EK-CryoFuel contains synergistic corrosion inhibitors to protect metals commonly found in computer liquid cooling systems. It has been tested in accordance with BS5117 (ASTM D1384) and found to meet corrosion standards for copper, brass, and stainless steel. This coolant also contains scale to help prevent fouling – thus promoting long operational life and high thermal efficiency, providing best value/performance ratio.
- low electrical conductivity - corrosion protection according to BS5117 (ASTM D1384) standards - high quality concentrated pigments for intense, vivid and saturated colors - compatible with Acrylic, PETG, POM Acetal, rubber (NBR, EPDM, and Norprene) materials - eco-friendly (90% biodegradable in 10 days) - 4-year shelf life after bottling - UV Reactive: Yes - REACH compliant
Technical data:
- color: White (Semi-transparent) - content: 1000 mL
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